White Roses for Your Loss

White Roses for Your Loss
May You be Comforted During this time of Grief

Friday, August 27, 2010

I don't plan on dying for a long time!

No one plans on dying, it can happen from an accident, getting sick, choking-- Ok, I'm not trying to scare anyone but-- Death will happen to all of us. What is some of the important thing we all need to do? Make a will, discuss your plans and wishes with your loved ones, make sure more than one person knows where to find your vital information, make previsions for under aged children, keep your medical information where a family member will find it easily, if you wish to be a organ donor, let it be known! (not just on your license) Take the time to jot down anything you might feel is relevant-- Access codes, passwords, etc. ( in a safe place that is...) If you want certain people to have specific items after you are gone; put it in writing and sign it. Unfortunately when a loved one is gone, the scavengers come out in flocks!

I being of sound mind and body--spent it! I bequeath to you, my love, memories; good bad and ugly.. I lived my life, made my share of mistakes; I will go to my maker with a clear conscience knowing I did my best. So, there will be no treasures to share except the ones I hold dear on this earth--my family.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

the dreaded "C" word!!!

This is sometimes known as the Grim Reeper to some; a sure death sentance. We face the same process; we have shock, denial, what if's and anger. We are facing our own immortality and that of those we love. We are more aware of our loved ones, of life, the beauty that encompases our daily lives...Think of this: Most who die never get the chance to tell those they love how much they are loved, to say, "forgive me".

When one is diagnosed with the dreaded "C" word or any other life-threatening illness, it is important perhaps not so much for the one dying, but it is an intriquite part of healing for the ones left facing the loss.This is called unfinished business My grandma gave me some solid advice years ago: Never let the sun set or your eyes drift to slumber before saying "I'm sorry" or most important,"I love you"I do think it sad however, that we never get this done until we are facing that life and death moment. Family members argue, hold tight to grudges that should be resolved by a simple phrase, " I love you." We all may never know when the it's time for us to die. So whatever you do, hold your loved ones tight, and end the bickering. The reality is, we are all sure that one day will be that day...