White Roses for Your Loss

White Roses for Your Loss
May You be Comforted During this time of Grief

Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's been *blank* Months aren't you "over" it yet?

Over what? This is not the flu, or a broken fingernail; it is a loss! Depending on how great the loss might be will also depend on the severity of the grieving process. If this is a great aunt, twice removed, and you never had anything to do with her your grief might be a sniffle, half a hankie and it's all over. Consider this: It's your child, the death was too quick to even say good-bye, well then....you might never feel entirely whole again--ever. A piece of your heart and soul has just been snatched away! So, you are not crazy, if tears well up in the middle of the night, or while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich-- A death, especially if it's someone you love more than life itself, the grief is not just going to stop just because of some time table--take your time, allow that whole in your heart to fill. Sometimes, it never really fills up, it can however become a part of who you are.

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