White Roses for Your Loss

White Roses for Your Loss
May You be Comforted During this time of Grief

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I cry knowing one more parent has lost a child...

The news no parent wants....The loss of a child is so deep, painful beyond imagination; it feels as if someone has ripped out your heart and soul, leaving you gutted! All the well wishers, telling you to have faith, that your child is in a better place, when we know, as parents, the best place is with us! I wasn't ready for God to take my child...In fact, I was pretty ticked off at Him for a very long time! I was angy with myself too, angry at the women still holding their babies while mine is just in a box! All I know, is I want the world to make a sharp u-turn and change time....just enough to say everything I wanted to say, one more hug, one more kiss, one more anything!!! How can this happen? Most importantly, why? It's been 14 years for me, and the pain of that day still resides in the deepest part of my heart.